Rwanda Development Board & International Finance Corporation

Developing a Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy for Rwanda

Destination: Rwanda
Engagement: 2022

Seeing a major decline in inbound tourism due to COVID-19, Rwanda Development Board (RDB), along with the funding partner, International Finance Corporation, retained Twenty31 and our strategic partner Letsema to develop a comprehensive tourism recovery plan and forward growth strategy.

Part of the assignment included developing a Market Portfolio Assessment model to evaluate the forward potential of markets and segments, and conduct a baseline brand health assessment of how Rwanda was perceived in key international source markets.

Brand health assessment

We surveyed over 10,000 travel consumers in 12 major outbound markets and conducted advanced statistical analysis to identify the drivers of Rwanda’s destination brand.

Market assessment

We developed a model using various supply and demand variables to determine markets and segments of opportunity and Rwanda’s ability to gain market share.

Strategy development

We developed a robust tourism development strategy and implementation plan to govern the sustainable growth and management of tourism in Rwanda over the next decade.

Stakeholder engagement

We conducted 20+ key stakeholder interviews and an online survey with more than 250 business, government, community leader and respondents.

RDB has adopted the new strategy and is working on implementing the recommendations to support a more sustainable, inclusive, resilient, and competitive tourism industry.